About Us
Cooperative Ownership

Pitt & Greene EMC Cooperative Ownership

Pitt & Greene EMC belongs to the people who use its services, not stockholders or investors.

Each member has a right and an obligation to suggest ways the Co-op can serve its members better. Each member has one vote and with this one vote each member should actively participate in the policy making and activities of the Co-op by making suggestions to their district representative on the Board of Directors.

A cooperative is a business owned and controlled by its users and operated for them on a nonprofit basis. In the cooperative form of business, you and others with similar needs act together, pooling your resources for mutual benefit. By belonging to a cooperative, you are now part of a self-help tradition.

PITT & GREENE EMC IS A COOPERATIVE and by receiving your electric power from Pitt & Greene EMC, you are a member-owner.
Basic Cooperative Principles
  • A co-op is service oriented.
  • A co-op is user owned.
  • A co-op is locally managed.
  • A co-op has open membership and will provide service to anyone living within its territorial boundaries.
  • A co-op refunds patronage capital to its members.